Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 3:16:49 AM
Subject: En måned til Jul!

Missionaries and baggage all over the platform haha. People waiting to get on the train were laughing pretty hard when 10 missionaries, 10 bikes, a couple guitars and 30 bags came flying out of this train. But the craziest part was after we had left the station. We thought all was done when we got a call from some missionaries telling us that they had forgotten to put their bike on a train and asking us to run back and get it. So we BOOKED IT back before someone could steal it (bikes are stolen like candy... and it wasn't locked), and found it safe and sound. We locked it and then just sent it on the next train headed to their city haha :) The bike made it safe and sound! So that was transfers.

Ping Pong + Lessons! We always play a couple games of (very intense) Ping Pong before we meet with him. He is pretty good. It is going really well with him though. We bring members to play too so he is getting close with them and he has been to church the last couple of weeks.
Sorry for missing an E-mail last week. It was a crazy day haha. Our Preparation day kinda got eaten up by transfers. A lot of missionaries come through Århus for transfers and we ended up getting stuck in the station being companions for people that missed trains or helping people get their baggage to other trains and yeah... it was madness.
Missionaries and baggage all over the platform haha. People waiting to get on the train were laughing pretty hard when 10 missionaries, 10 bikes, a couple guitars and 30 bags came flying out of this train. But the craziest part was after we had left the station. We thought all was done when we got a call from some missionaries telling us that they had forgotten to put their bike on a train and asking us to run back and get it. So we BOOKED IT back before someone could steal it (bikes are stolen like candy... and it wasn't locked), and found it safe and sound. We locked it and then just sent it on the next train headed to their city haha :) The bike made it safe and sound! So that was transfers.
This week was awesome! Time is going to fast though, and this companionship is quickly rising on the list of my favorite companionships. Æ. Swan was in my MTC group so we already knew each other, and he is just like my friends from back home, so it has been fun. And just having fun is leading to a lot of great things! When we have fun with what we are doing, it doesn't seem like work anymore. It has helped the work go well, especially with one of our investigators, Frank. We found out he likes ping pong :) So...
Ping Pong + Lessons! We always play a couple games of (very intense) Ping Pong before we meet with him. He is pretty good. It is going really well with him though. We bring members to play too so he is getting close with them and he has been to church the last couple of weeks.
We also have an investigator who is a the leader of a non-denominational gospel choir, and he invited us to go so... now we are in a gospel choir! Swaying and all :) We sing with them for about 30 minutes and then they have a little break for water and some treats and we get to socialize with all of them. They love us haha :) Ask us tons of questions about being missionaries and about the church, and it has become an amazing opportunity to find people to go and teach! It has led to some pretty positive people. Thursday nights are now one of my favorite nights haha :) Man do those songs get stuck in your head though...
Oh, Another exciting thing! We got in a little mini bus crash! Ha Our bus turned a little to sharp and the back of the bus swung out and totally demolished 2 cars parked on the side of the road. Woops. Bus was fine though.
All is going well :) I am having a really good time and am excited for Christmas to get going. The lights in the city come on this week!!! Goodness I love Christmas. Hope you all had a good week. Congrats to my dad for being on TV!! If you didn't hear about it, ask him to send you the clip because it's pretty great.
Have a good thanksgiving! Watch out for trees on the snowmobile trip (or four-wheeler trip) I'll be missing you all and thinking of you! But hey, make it a great week :)
And see you in 4... March 24th, 2015. Its official. Love you!
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