So that was a fun day :)
(And yes, that is lettuce on a pizza. Pizza here is weird haha. It's totally different from American pizza. Not even in the same category. But super good!

It's getting cold :( And its only half way through August. I'm getting a little worried... Danes are already breaking out their coats... Hopefully it just blows over! I have lucked out with weather since being here though. It has been a nice summer and last winter was pretty mild. So I can't complain! But man, getting cold in August... that's not a good sign.
It was a good week! We met with Søren again :) I love meeting with him. He is so great. And he read again! He explained the whole chapter of Alma 32 for us and said he really liked it. And we had a great lesson with him, all about faith. He told us that one day he wants to surprise us and teach us about a chapter in the Book of Mormon :) We told him that we would be excited if he did! So things are going really well with him. And we got some sweet pictures on the drive back from his house :) (he lives in the middle of nowhere).
We had a mission conference this week!! It was so great! President Taxiera came to talk to the mission and it was awesome! He came to talk to us about how to use technology in missionary work... hopefully that is a good sign that we are going to be getting iPads :) But it was a way fun conference. It was crazy having the whole mission there. Got to see everyone! Literally!! It was way fun to catch up with all my old companions and friends from the mission and yeah, it was a great day.
We ordered a pizza!! It was the first time I had done that in a while. So I thought it would be worthy for the weekly email :) We didn't get a chance to eat dinner one night so after planning we ordered a pizza. And we thought we would add some danish culture into it so we lit some hygge candles as well. It was a fun night. haha
But yeah, It was a great week. I'm having so much fun in Slagelse. Transfers are coming up on Monday, and we won't be getting calls until later in the week. I don't think I will be transferred though. But hopefully nothing changes here in Slagelse! It is all too awesome. I could stay here for a while.
Have a great week everyone! Have a good start to the new school year! Crazy. And don't forget to tell my Mom Happy Birthday on Saturday :) She deserves it! She is pretty darn great :) I love you all and miss you all!
Don't miss 'em!
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