He seems to be jumping for joy quite a bit lately! :) And man he jumps high! I guess the plural in Danish is -er, so no more aebleskiverS! It's just aebleskiver.....and I've been trying to get him to try jam on them for years! Oh well, I guess it took a native to get him to try jam on his Aebleskiver. Hahaha! Thanks for your love and support! Only 8 more days until we get to talk to him!!!! Crysi
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 3:58:25 AM
Subject: I made weinerbrød!
I'M STAYING IN SILKEBORG!!! I'm beyond stoked you have no idea. I'll be staying with Æ. Nelson and we will be getting another companion, Æ. Durrant, who is from the same group as Æ. Nelson! So I'll be with two pretty young missionaries and I can't wait! It'll be a blast! It will be interesting to see us all fit into our apartment though... I don't know if I have mentioned it before... but our apartment is quite small. It's brand new and very nice, but a little small. Perfect for two elders, but 3 will be pushing it! But it will be really fun and it will help our area out a ton! There is a rule that missionaries can't go in a house with a woman if there isn't 3 men, so we have been running into trouble with that a lot, especially since our whole branch is single ladies! We haven't been able to go in and help if we didn't have another man. There's only one other man in our branch so it was hard to get him with. So it will be awesome having 3 missionaries because we can go in now! So it is looking to be a good transfer!
So I don't know if I have ever talked about this lady named Bente. She is one of our branch members and is my hero. She's old and just way cute and totally takes care of us. She is a convert and recently (like 1 year ago) became active again in the church, and has the most amazing testimony ever. It's not deep or huge or profound, but just simple and incredibly strong. She knows the gospel's true without a doubt and she isn't afraid to let you know. It's all just so real to her. But anyways, yesterday before church we were getting ready to start and Bente walks out of the Branch Pres's office with the BIGGEST smile on her face, and she is crying as well. She walks up to me and just gives me a hug :/ haha and says: "I got my temple recommend!!" She hasn't been to the temple yet and has been working so hard to get there and yesterday she got her recommend! Idk why, but it was just so great to see. It meant so much to her to finally get there, and she was so excited for it. It was humbling for me to see how grateful and excited she was. I love her testimony and how real and meaningful everything is to her, and that was a great example to me. We talk a ton about how true happiness only comes through the church, but I know that at least with me it can still be a little hard to remember it at times. But Bente really showed how true that is! She knows the importance of the temple, knows how great it is and that's why she was so excited! Her testimony is such an example for me. It really is so cool. It was a little experience, but something that I thought was way cool.
So I made those sugar cookies you sent me for our branch Christmas party... they loved them!!! So good!! Apparently sugar cookies don't exist in Denmark. So they loved them and ate the whole thing haha! I'll send pics. and we had æbleskiver! They are so good! You eat them with jam. Holy cow they were amazing. I baked weinerbrød too this week!!!! I'm going to have some good stuff to cook for ya'll when I come back.
Hope all is going great with everyone and that you are all loving Christmas!! Christmas is the best!! Have an amazing week and continue with a great Christmas season! I love you all and miss you!
æbleskiver plus the sugar cookies I made for the branch activity:)

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